Apply Online

You will be required to provide additional documentation in branch to complete your application.

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Online Application Form

  1. Personal Details

    This is page 1 of 8. Required fields are indicated with an asterisk *.

  2. First Name(s)*
    Please type your first name.
  3. Middle Name
    Please type your Middle Name.
  4. Last Name*
    Please type your Last Name
  5. Title*
    Please select a title
  6. If 'Other' please specify
    Invalid Input
  7. Date of Birth*
    Invalid Input
  8. E-mail*
    Invalid email address.
  9. Home Address*
    Please provide your Home Address in full.

  1. Personal Details Contd.

    This is page 2 of 8. Required fields are indicated with an asterisk *.

  2. How long have you lived at this address?*
    Please say how long you've lived at this address?
  3. Landline Telephone
    Please provide your Landline Telephone
  4. Mobile Number*
    Please provide your mobile number
  5. Relationship Status*
    Please select.
  6. No of Dependants*
    Please tell us how many dependants you have
  7. Nationality*
    Please select
  8. Country of Residence*
    Please select
  9. If 'Other' please also provide:
  10. Country of Birth
    Invalid Input
  11. Place of Birth
    Invalid Input

  1. Business Details

    This is page 3 of 8. Required fields are indicated with an asterisk *.

  2. Your Business Name*
    Invalid Input
  3. Date Established*
    Please select date
  4. When did you become the owner of your business?
    Invalid Input
  5. Trading Address*
    Please tell us your Trading Address
  6. Date you started / will start trading at this address*
    Invalid Input
  7. Business Telephone*
    Invalid Input
  8. Business Fax
    Invalid Input
  9. Business Email*
    Please type a valid email address

  1. Business Details Contd.

    This is page 4 of 8. Required fields are indicated with an asterisk *.

  2. Have you been trading at this address for less than 3 years? * (If you are a new business and have not been trading for up to 3 years, please select 'No')*
    Please select
  3. Business Premises*
    Please select
  4. Is your statement and correspondence address the same as your trading address?*
    Please select
  5. Have you ever been insolvent, bankrupt, sequestrated, involved in any court proceedings for debt or made arrangements with your creditors?*
    Please select
  6. If 'Yes', please provide full details. A discharge certificate may be required if the bankruptcy has been discharged.
    Invalid Input
  7. Number of Employees*
    Please tell us how big is your company.
  8. Your business activities
  9. Describe your main business activities and business sector in full*
    Please tell us more about your business

  1. Business Details Contd.

    This is page 5 of 8. Required fields are indicated with an asterisk *.

  2. Is your business a franchise?*
    Please select
  3. Position*
    Please specify your position in the company
  4. Is your business dealing with importing or exporting?*
    Please select
  5. Your business finances
  6. Actual/anticipated annual turnover (₵) *
    Invalid Input
  7. Actual/anticipated net profit before tax (₵) *
    Invalid Input
  8. Financial year end / Anticipated Financial year end
    Invalid Input
  9. Are all debtors and creditors up to date?*
    Please select
  10. Does the business have any VAT, PAYE, NIC or Tax arrears, or active legal proceedings? *
    Please select
  11. Your Savings
  12. Do you want to open a savings account to help manage your cashflow?*
    Please select
  13. We offer a range of savings accounts to meet your needs, please select which type of account is right for your business:*
    Please select

  1. Your Borrowing

    This is page 6 of 8. Required fields are indicated with an asterisk *.

  2. Do you want to borrow money to help manage your cashflow?*
    Please select
  3. If you do require a loan, please specify how much (₵)
    Invalid Input

  4. All finance is subject to status. You may need to provide further information. This does not constitute a binding offer or commitment by FastTrack Microfinance. Any formal offer would be subject to status, credit approval and the completion of documentation satisfactory to FastTrack Microfinance.
    Security may be required. Product fees may apply. Over 18s only.

  6. Your Protection

    It is important you consider carefully how you can protect your business against unforeseen circumstances to allow you to plan and run your business with confidence. For your free no obligation quote from FastTrack Business Insurance Services, we will arrange for you to speak to the Business Insurance Team when you open the account. Alternatively, you may wish to call them now on +233 (0) 277 551784 (Monday to Friday 8am to 8pm or Saturday 10am to 1pm, excluding public holidays).

  1. Important Information

    This is page 7 of 8. Required fields are indicated with an asterisk *.

  2. Our agreement for your account

    Credit reference agencies

    We may obtain information about the business and the proprietors of that business from credit reference agencies and Group records to check your credit status and identity. The agencies will record our enquiries which may be seen by other companies who make their own credit enquiries. This may affect your ability to obtain credit in the near future. We may use credit scoring.
    Your application will be assessed using credit reference agency records relating to anyone with whom you have a joint account or similar financial association. If this is a joint application and such a link does not already exist then one may be created now. These links will remain until you file a "notice of disassociation" at the credit reference agencies.

    Fraud prevention agencies

    If false or inaccurate information is provided and fraud is identified or suspected, details may be passed to fraud prevention agencies.
    We may also obtain information about you from fraud prevention agencies.

    Internet and telephone banking

    We will, where appropriate, automatically register you for Online Banking and Telephone Banking, our internet and telephone banking services. We will send you more details, together with the information you need to start making use of these services once your account is opened.
  3. Keeping you informed
  4. We would like to keep you informed by letter and by phone about products, services and additional benefits that we believe may be of interest to you. If you don't want us to do this, please tick this box
    Invalid Input

  1. Important Information Contd.

    This is page 8 of 8. Required fields are indicated with an asterisk *.

  2. How should we contact you?
  3. When would you like to be contacted?*
    Please select a date when we should contact you.
  4. Time to contact you (Phone only)*

    Please choose a time that we can call you.

  5. Terms and Conditions

    By clicking on submit you are agreeing to our Terms and Conditions

  6. How did you hear about us?*
    Please select an option.
  7. If Other please specify:
    Invalid Input

  8. Are you human? Please type in the code as you see it.
    <br /><br />Are you human? Please type in the code as you see it.
      RefreshInvalid Code